B2B Wholesaler Magazine

Canna Blinker

In Skokie, IL, an innovative smoking accessory is changing the landscape of how enthusiasts enjoy their smokes.

Canna Blinker, pioneered by President and inventor Yitzy Schwartz, stands as the world’s first patent-pending flashing joint, blunt, and cigarette holder that not only adds flair to smoking sessions but also addresses key consumer concerns. With a commitment to innovation, as Schwartz puts it, “Make the world a better place by Innovation,” Canna Blinker is not just a product but a new way to experience smoking.

The journey of Canna Blinker began in 2022 when Schwartz noticed a gap in the market for a device that would cool down the harsh smoke from cannabis and tobacco and eliminate the residual smell on the fingers of the consumer. After hearing customer feedback about these issues, Schwartz was inspired to create a solution that wasn’t just functional but also fun. The result was Canna Blinker, which incorporates vibrant, flashing lights, adding an exciting visual element to every puff.

Canna Blinker is more than just a spectacle; it’s a carefully crafted device designed for comfort and ease of use. It fits snugly in the hand, eliminating awkward grips and enhancing the smoking experience. This holder is compatible with joints and blunts, making it a versatile choice for various occasions— be it a beach outing, a concert, or a night out. Its standout feature is the three flashing-colored lights that not only light up the smoke but also the user’s presence, turning heads wherever it goes. One of the Canna Blinker’s key benefits is its ability to keep smokers’ hands odor-free, a significant advantage for those who enjoy their smoke without the lingering smell. The device also reduces the harshness of the smoke, making each session smoother and more enjoyable.

Canna Blinker excels in branding and marketing, utilizing heavy social media campaigns to drive sales and increase visibility. The product’s packaging is designed to be bright and appealing, strategically placed at retail counters to stimulate impulse purchases. This approach not only benefits Canna Blinker but also enhances sales opportunities for retailers. Canna Blinker is more than just a one-hit wonder. The company plans to continue innovating and expanding its product line, always aiming to introduce unique and eye-catching items that stand out in the market. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is evident in their proactive approach to gathering feedback and improving their offerings.

Canna Blinker is not just revolutionizing smoking accessories with its innovative design and functionality, but it is also setting the pace for future developments in the industry. With Yitzy Schwartz at the helm, the brand is poised to continue its trajectory of creativity and customer-oriented innovation, making each smoking experience a memorable one. For those interested in seeing Canna Blinker in action and learning more about this revolutionary product, check it out at the upcoming Champs Trade Show in Chicago. Additional information can also be found on their website at www.cannablinker.com.